If I Could Be Anyone, I'd Be...

... ME!

Why would I want to be anyone else but adorable moi? Let's face it, peeps, when you're already perfect - and what could be more perfect than the bestest little grey squirrel in the world? - then who else could I possibly aspire to be, apart from possibly Angelina Jolie/Carrie Ann Moss/Sigourney Weaver's hug buddy? And yes, I suppose I could have picked one of those but then I decided that I'm prepared to do the job on a rotation basis. :D

Why am I telling you this? Well, today sees the launch of Talli Roland's second book. (Talli is one of my gorgeous writing friends. So gorgeous, in fact, that I would happily squeeze her into my exclusive squirrel hug rota... just saying. blushes)

Anyhoo, to launch Watching Willow Watts, Talli has organised an "If I Could Be Anyone, I'd Be..." party where every non-grey squirrel gets the chance to say who they would like to be, if they had the chance. It can be someone you admire, envy or maybe even someone you've always longed to impersonate. Follow the above link to Talli's blog and you can check out the blogs of everyone taking part, once you've had a look at Tallilyn Monroland herself.

Watching Willow Watts is available as an ebook from Amazon.com or Amazon UK TODAY!!! Go and buy at least one copy of it NOW!