Let me eat cake!

Let me eat cake!

Kaff's been promising me some cake and ice cream for the past week, so I was overjoyed when she finally delivered and brought this little beauty home.

Coffee and Walnut cake.


Now it might surprise you to know this (me being a squirrel and all) but I'm not a huge fan of walnuts. They're a bit meh on the grand scale of nuts. I just don't rate them on their own merit. However, when they're paired with some grapes (preferably not red ones) they make a lovely afternoon snackette. But oh! when they're sprinkled heavily on a cake with buttercream icing or on this splendid coffee concoction, those woeful walnuts come into their own and send my tastebuds soaring to the treetops - and it's been a long time since any part of me last saw the top of a tree.

Now if you'll excuse me, this cake needs my undivided attention... It'd go lovely with some ice cream, don't you think? Wench, we-ennnnch.